Bulletproof Vest Military - The United States has a long history of military advances that often find their way into the civilian market. Radar technology adopted by the military during World War II eventually evolved into everyday products such as toasters, drones, plumbing, GPS systems, and more! We will see how military advances in body armor have found their way into everyday law-abiding civilian systems.

Currently, due to adaptations made by the military, elite armor is not exclusive to the Marines, Army, Coast Guard, Air Force, or Navy. Law-abiding citizens have the ability to arm themselves in self-defense situations - from work, to school, to regular outings with friends.

Bulletproof Vest Military

Bulletproof Vest Military

The changes in armor made by the military led to the advancement of civilian armor, similar to the advancement of the Space Race into everyday life. Frank, CEO of Premier Body Armour, originally worked in the production of body armor for the military. Unfortunately, our company often analyzes the question "Which armor system protects the American military?" To provide curated products to civilians.

Us Air Force Awards Contract For Improved Female Body Armor

Normally, people think that soldiers should wear full body armor. There are many films that suggest the idea of ​​an external armor system. These robotic armor systems are high-tech and awesome.

There are many small but life-threatening details to consider in the design of military armor. All of these details have been thoroughly tested by Premier Body Armor in our bulletproof design.

Unnecessary weight on the body from heavy military armor can add to the damage to the body over time. The average weight of a loaded soldier was more than 40 pounds.

Any unnecessary weight equals unnecessary long-term pain, especially in the joints. A recent study by Captain Courtney Thompson found that just 15 pounds can hinder a Marine's performance in combat.

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The evolution of military armored vehicles includes a constant search for solutions that reduce the load while providing a higher level of protection. In fact, the military has recently transitioned from a modified tactical outer vest to a modular expansion vest. The purpose of this movement is to reduce the weight of the soldier by about 3.7 pounds.

Replenishment of each island must be filtered according to standards that help soldiers complete their missions and preserve their lives. At Premier, we believe in these fundamental concepts. We strive to produce armor that makes civilians feel empowered, Provide daily protection, and maintain best practices. All are literally a few ounces to a few pounds lighter than the product. Thousands from other manufacturers.

There is a balance to be considered in terms of technological capability and human capability when it comes to personal armor systems. Premier seeks to provide the highest level of protection, while providing an armored vehicle solution that ensures mobility and comfort.

Bulletproof Vest Military

Usually, many soldiers receive armor systems that do not fit their bodies. The soldiers reported that the uncomfortable armor prevented them from doing simple tasks. Instead of adjusting the armor, they will compensate for other body parts and get injured again. one.

Body Armor Carrier Full Set

For example, soldiers have reported placing the stock in their biceps when firing the weapon because their rifle scoreboard interfered with placing the stock over their shoulders.

The Army Times reports that armor has recently been changed to prevent this from happening again. The modular expandable vest, shin guards and Shooter's Cut panels are all innovations built for comfort and injury prevention.

Military advances in armored vehicles inspired Premier to create a high molecular weight polyethylene sheet in Shooter's style. Shooter's Cut allows the user to customize the rifle stock without adjusting the ballistic protection. This cut also allows for a greater degree of movement and maneuverability.

Another product that we have adapted for military advancement will be our tactical aircraft carrier. Our core racks strike a balance between durability and high-speed performance. Integrated molle sections and laser cut molle sections transform heavy carrying capacity to feel like you're moving light during your personal mission. Even cummerbunds offer Level IIIA armor protection, as well as FirstSpear Quick Release Technology.

Japan Sends Bulletproof Vests From Defense Forces To Ukraine

We look forward to continuing to create products that support every mission. Our business started with the manufacture of armored vehicles and has now moved into the industry leading manufacture of camouflaged armored vehicles. After continuously analyzing the performance of military-grade armor, we find the best armor that reflects the craftsmanship of carefully designed designs.

One of the greatest developments that occurred in the ammunition world was the discovery of Kevlar. Kevlar is made from many fibers woven at the microscopic level and combined with hydrogen bonds, resulting in 10 times the tensile strength of steel. These interwoven threads are designed to block projectiles, while absorbing and dissipating the energy of the projectile.

Stephanie Kwolek, a chemist from DuPont known for the discovery of Kevlar. The ballistic panels in our Class IIIA products are from DuPont. We've tested several ballistic materials, and DuPont's ballistic fiber ranks highly.

Bulletproof Vest Military

Kevlar was originally used in the field of law enforcement. Kevlar was tested by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in 1971 for law enforcement and adopted four years later. Law enforcement will wear Kevlar vests combined with steel plates in their critical equipment. In the 1980s, the US Army also incorporated Kevlar into their armor systems.

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The Army continues to develop its ballistic protection through the incorporation of Kevlar vests and SAPI (small arms protective underwear). As weapons have changed from arrows, to bullets, to shotguns, armor has continued to adapt and pass. Kevlar is enough to stop a bullet rated to limit a soldier's movement, so This leads to the need for a rifle rating.

The US Army uses ceramic plates for their gun rating plates. Features a guard plate that helps prevent torque injuries and prevents over-rotation Kevlar's threat protection. At Premier Body Armour, we have improved this further by replacing the ceramic material of the ballistic plates with Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE).

We use UHMWPE material, unique to the USA, in our STRATIS gun rating range. This material is extremely light and durable. Our UHMWPE material also ensures the durability of our products. Unfortunately, ceramic plates can break. Usually, when the ceramic plate is lowered, it becomes vulnerable and unreliable in protection.

UHMWPE fiber panels are durable from all directions and provide increased ballistic protection. That's what makes our Level IV Enhanced Plate Multi-Hit capable. See our torture test here:

Ballistic Bulletproof Equipment

The NIJ standard will change soon and the steel sheet will have to be thicker and therefore heavier to make the cut. We didn't want to sell heavier plates, so we switched to newer materials. More modern. UHMWPE will pass all new tests and provide our customers with excellent performance.

When US companies outsource production of armored vehicles, they have little or no control over the production process. They cannot speak to the true intentions or concerns of the producers. If something goes wrong in the manufacturing process, the establishment can hide the problem to meet the deadline without the knowledge of the US retailer. We always pay attention to the materials and production process in the whole process.

At Premier Body Armour, we source only the finest raw materials to manufacture our products. Every yarn that goes into the manufacturing process is sourced and manufactured in the USA. Our products are made with materials that pass the highest quality control in the industry.

Bulletproof Vest Military

In conclusion, we can consider many factors that have been studied and considered by military experts. We have seen how weight, maneuverability, durability and many other aspects affect the design of armor. Why not look to the experts to design the best armor for civilians?

Buffalo Shooting Renews Calls For Body Armor Regulation

Premier continuously improves armor research to provide the product of choice for everyone in almost any situation. We are the industry leader in armor innovation. We take pride in setting the standard for high quality materials that people can trust for their safety.

All you need to know about the first Women's Ballistic Vest for civilians. Women's Concealer Island provides the best fit for women's curves, adding maximum comfort.

When it comes to your personal protection, quality is important. Having Berry Compliant products means that not only is your armor made in the USA, but all of the materials used are locally sourced.

Wondering how we can customize the ballistics panel on the chest rig? We've created a brand new armor, ArmorSHIFT, that goes from health to performance with Fast pulling. attached

Body Armor Is Making It Harder To Stop Mass Shootings

The Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) is an improved version and replaces the old External Tactical Vest (OTV) version of Interceptor Armor developed by the US Army. IOTV is compatible with components of Delta and Axillary Protection System (DAPS), ESAPI (Advanced Small Arms Protection)

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