New Mexico 500 - PNG resolution in SVG format: 600 × 600 pixels. Other resolutions: 240 × 240 pixels | 480×480 pixels | 768 × 768 pixels | 1024 x 1024 pixels | 2048 x 2048 pixels.

New Mexico State Road Sign 24" x 24" (600 mm x 600 mm) manufactured to standard PS&E drawings. Uses Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (U.S. law does not allow copyright in typeface designs, and the fonts are supposed to be copies of works produced by the U.S. government anyway.)

New Mexico 500

New Mexico 500

This file is in the public domain, as recommended in the Manual of the Uniform Traffic Control Device, sign number M1-NM-5. The New Mexico Department of Transportation has adopted the 2003 version of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which has been adopted by the Federal Highway Administration as a national standard for use on all classes of highways, subject to the following changes: are specified in this appendix." The 2003 Federal MUTCD says on its I-1 page that:

Windexchange: New Mexico 50 Meter Community Scale Wind Resource Map

All motion control device designs or application settings contained in this guide are considered public domain. The traffic control devices contained in this manual are not protected by patents, trademarks or copyrights, with the exception of the interstate shield and other items owned by FHWA.

{{Information | Description = 24 x 24 in (600 mm x 600 mm) New Mexico road sign, manufactured to standard PS&E drawings. Uses Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (U.S. law does not allow copyright for typeface designs, etc.

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